Example Database

Easy access to free Yahoo data, using AmiBrokers companion down-loader AmiQuote, is a huge bonus for AmiBroker users.

In this tutorial, the first in a series of Users’ Knowledge Base articles on Yahoo data management, new users are introduced to some basic concepts utilizing mainly GUI methods. Walk through examples, using the Dow Jones Industrial Average database installed with AmiBroker, and apply simple customized formulas written in AFL (AmiBroker Formula Language).

FORMULAS FEATURED: BeginValue(); LastValue; DateNum(); BarCount; Status(); FullName(); IsIndex(); GroupID(); MarketID(); SectorID() and IndustryID().

INCLUDING: database location, backup and naming; ticker lists (.tls files); company information pages; symbol addition and deletion; updating quotes; writing and saving formulas in Formula Editor; running Explorations and viewing the results list; data quality checking using the Database Purify Tool; adding favorites to the Web Research list; setting the default and scrolling Yahoo pages in the AmiBroker browser; deleting quotes in Quote Editor; rearranging the Workspace layout using the Docking sticker; Ticker Toolbar searching and more …………….

Attached Files:

  • exampledatabase.doc (1178 KB) (Word 2002 document)
  • x-categories.afl (262 bytes)
  • x-database.afl (226 bytes)
  • Click on the link to browse document files on line, or, Save As to download an editable version, complete with a document map (the document map will only be available to users who own a copy of Word).
  • To download .afl files to the desktop right click on the link  and Save Target As ‘filename’ at Program Files/AmiBroker/Formulas/Custom to access them as formulas in the AmiBroker Charts list.

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