AFL Shapes Cheat Sheet

The plotshapes() can be used to plot shapes on your chart to indicate signals, stops, and other events and conditions. Figure 1 below gives a quick overview of the shapes that are available and includes a few undocumented ones. A PDF version suitable for printing is here: AFL Shapes Cheat Sheet


Figure 1

Figure 2 shows the small AFL program that was used to explore all the built-in shapes and their numerical values.

for ( 0&ltBarCounti++ )
    O[i] = C[i] = i;
    H[i] = 5;
    L[i] = 5;

    if ( == )  {PlotTextNumToStri1.0False ), iL[i]-2colorDarkGrey );}
    else  {PlotTextNumToStri1.0False ), iH[i]+.5colorDarkGrey );}
PlotShapesCcolorRed0C, -10 );
PlotC""colorLightGreystyleBar );

Title "Hollow = " NumToStrshapeHollowCircle shapeCircle0) + "\n" + 
    "Small = " NumToStrshapeSmallCircle shapeCircle0);


Figure 2

With additions by Herman

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